Style stylename options


StartsOnDesk takes a numeric argument which is the desktop number on which the window should be
initially placed. Note that standard Xt programs can also specify this via a resource (e.g.
"‐xrm ’*Desk: 1’").

StartsOnPage takes 1, 2, or 3 numeric arguments. If one or three arguments are given, the
first (or only) argument is the desktop number. If three arguments are given, the 2nd and 3rd
arguments identify the x,y page position on the virtual window. If two arguments are given,
they specify the page position, and indicate no desk preference. If only one argument is
given, StartsOnPage functions exactly like StartsOnDesk. For those standard Xt programs which
understand this usage, the starting desk/page can also be specified via a resource (e.g., "‐xrm
’*page: 1 0 2’"). StartsOnPage in conjunction with SkipMapping is a useful technique when you
want to start an app on some other page and continue with what you were doing, rather than
waiting for it to appear.

(c) man fvwm

watashiwa_daredeska ★★★★
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