Тот случай, когда ответ содержится в самом начале man-а.

A tracee first needs to be attached to the tracer. Attachment and subsequent commands are per thread: in a multithreaded process, every thread can be individually attached to a (potentially different) tracer, or left not attached and thus not debugged. Therefore, «tracee» always means "(one) thread", never «a (possibly multithreaded) process». Ptrace commands are always sent to a specific tracee using a call of the form

ptrace(PTRACE_foo, pid, ...)

where pid is the thread ID of the corresponding Linux thread.

kawaii_neko ★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от MikkotoNikki

Выходит что айди главного потока процесса равен pid?


kawaii_neko ★★★★
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