Вылетает ошибка, указал в теле кода. И как indent этот код в emacs?
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-USER; Base: 10 -*-
(in-package :clim-user)
(define-application-frame fifteen-puzzle-1 ()
((pieces :initform (make-array `(4 4) :initial-contents `((1 2 3 4)
(5 6 7 8)
(9 10 11 12)
(13 14 15 0)))))
(:menu-bar nil)
(display :application
:text-style `(:fix :bold :very-large)
:display-function `draw-the-display
:scroll-bars nil)
(menu :command-menu))
(vertically () display menu))))
;;; this draws the entire display
(defmethod draw-the-display ((application fifteen-puzzle-1) stream
&key &allow-other-keys)
(with-slots (pieces) application
(dotimes (y 4)
(dotimes (x 4)
(let ((piece (aref pieces y x)))
(if (zerop piece)
(format stream "
(format stream "~2D " piece))))
(terpri stream))))
;;; useful macrology - the body will be run with x and y bound to
;;; the coordinates of the empty cell
(defmacro find-empty-piece-and-do ((y x) &body body)
‘(block find-empty-piece
(dotimes `(,y 4)
(dotimes `(,x 4)
(when (zerop `(aref pieces ,y ,x))
,@body ;; как бороться сэтим
;; READ error during COMPILE-FILE:
;; Comma not inside a backquote.
;; Line: 41, Column: 3, File-Position: 1092
(return-from find-empty-piece))))))
(define-fifteen-puzzle-1-command (down :menu t) ()
(with-slots (pieces) *application-frame*
(find-empty-piece-and-do (y x)
(if (not (zerop y))
(rotatef (aref pieces y x) (aref pieces (- y 1) x))))))
(define-fifteen-puzzle-1-command (up :menu t) ()
(with-slots (pieces) *application-frame*
(find-empty-piece-and-do (y x)
(if (not (= y 3))
(rotatef (aref pieces y x) (aref pieces (+ y 1) x))))))
(define-fifteen-puzzle-1-command (left :menu t) ()
(with-slots (pieces) *application-frame*
(find-empty-piece-and-do (y x)
(if (not (= x 3))
(rotatef (aref pieces y x) (aref pieces y (+ x 1)))))))
(define-fifteen-puzzle-1-command (right :menu t) ()
(with-slots (pieces) *application-frame*
(find-empty-piece-and-do (y x)
(if (not (zerop x))
(rotatef (aref pieces y x) (aref pieces y (- x 1)))))))
(setq fp1 (make-application-frame ’fifteen-puzzle-1
:left 200 :right 400 :top 150 :bottom 350))
(run-frame-top-level fp1)