gettext + GPL



Означает ли GPL'ность gettext'а, что его нельзя использовать в не GPL-проектах? Или это считается просто как набор тулов и линковки не происходит? А если gettext нельзя использовать, то что вместо него?

Как всегда документация читается в последюю очередь? 

$ info gettext Discussions


   * Dependencies over the GPL or LGPL

     Some people wonder if using GNU `gettext' necessarily brings their
     package under the protective wing of the GNU General Public
     License or the GNU Library General Public License, when they do
     not want to make their program free, or want other kinds of
     freedom.  The simplest answer is "normally not".

     The `gettext-runtime' part of GNU `gettext', i.e. the contents of
     `libintl', is covered by the GNU Library General Public License.
     The `gettext-tools' part of GNU `gettext', i.e. the rest of the
     GNU `gettext' package, is covered by the GNU General Public

     The mere marking of localizable strings in a package, or
     conditional inclusion of a few lines for initialization, is not
     really including GPL'ed or LGPL'ed code.  However, since the
     localization routines in `libintl' are under the LGPL, the LGPL
     needs to be considered.  It gives the right to distribute the
     complete unmodified source of `libintl' even with non-free
     programs.  It also gives the right to use `libintl' as a shared
     library, even for non-free programs.  But it gives the right to
     use `libintl' as a static library or to incorporate `libintl' into
     another library only to free software.


Под GPL там программы ({,x}gettext, msgmerge, msgfmt и прочая); хидеры и библиотека - под LGPL.

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