Hi! i'm using automake to build library what woking with Oracle and uses another library libclntsh.so from $ORACLE_HOME/lib here's some rules from Makefile.am : lib_LTLIBRARIES = libocicpp.la INCLUDES= @ORA@ORACLE_INCLUDES@ -I$ORACLE_HOME/plsql/public and so on libocicpp_la_LDFLAGS = -L@O-L@ORACLE_LIBDIR@ @ORA@ORACLE_LIBS@ $ORACLE_HOME/lib and -lclntsh. it compiles and installs ok but when i trying to compile some programm test like this : test: $(CXX) -locicpp -o test test.o i get Segmentation Fault on first call of method in libocicpp. But if i building libocicpp.so by hand like this : libocicpp.so: $(CXXLD) -shared -o $(OCICPPLIB) $(OCICPPOBJECTS) -L$(ORACLE_LIBDIR) $(ORACLE_LIBS) it links and install ok to and test linking and executes successfully . There could be the problem ? kto mozhet pomozhite pls.. pishite pryamo na bofh@rbc.ru
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