Про добавление поддержки UTF-8 в OpenBSD говорили и раньше, теперь же кто-то тестит юникод в ncurses. Так что в mutt юникод-таки будет.
Here are the bits for wide character support in libcurses, libform, libpanel, libmenu.
Apply the diff below and extract this tarball in src/lib (note this is on a slow connection so please don't bother unless you are going to test):
It is a major bump for all four libs. The files are also on cvs in ~nicm/ncursesw/.
This builds all the libraries with the widechar code and also links them to «w» versions (libncursesw, libformw, etc). Some OSs only put the widechar stuff into libncursesw and not libncurses - I don't much like knobs in the form of library names but if opinion is that we should go that way then I can change it.
I've been running with this for a while on amd64 without seeing any problems, and UTF-8 seems fine in mutt - the port picks it up fine, then you just need to set LANG. It also seems fine on sparc64.
Any ports person like to volunteer to help test this/take care of breakage?
В общем, медленно, но продвигается. Хотел просто привлечь внимание тех, кто хотел бы поковырять/поотсылать багрепорты. Вот ссылка на обсуждение.