Kylix 3 помогите



не могу поставить Kylix3 выдает ошибку при компиляции ошибкав time.h стоит на 9 шапке в чем проблема помогите срочно пожалуйста горит проэкт


Ты б хоть написал че за ошибка, а то так годать не особо весело =)


Fixes and workarounds for Kylix 3 issues in newer distributions (RedHat 8+, Mandrake 9+, SuSE 8.1+) Andres Colubri ( 2003-08-01

Acknowledgments I collected all these fixes from the newsgroup: borland.public.kylix.distros-compatibility (particularly the post from Lisheng Sun) and from this page (thanks Ernestus!):

1) Installation hangs Execute the installer as normal user, or using the -m argument for non-rpm install: sh ./ -m

2) Various errors when compiling stdlib.h (declaration syntax error, etc.) and unresolved references when linking The glibc 2.1 compatibility package (compat-glibc) is needed, because Kylix 3 doesn't work with glib 2.2 or greater. For Red Hat, get the rpm package compat-glibc-6.2- from This package also works for SuSE. For Mandrake, get the rpm package compat-glibc-7.2- from Install it with: rpm -Uvh compat-glibc-6.2- Start the C++ part of Kylix. Set the include and library paths to the compatible version of glibc by going to the "Directories/conditionals" tab of Project options. In the Include Path field, replace /usr/include with /usr/i386-glibc21-linux/include. Move this entry to the top of the list. In the Library Path field, replace /usr/lib with /usr/i386-glibc21-linux/lib and move the entry to the top of the list. Make this changes the default setting by checking the Default box before closing the Project options.

3) Various errors when using the STL (could not find a match for min<_Tp,_Compare>...) Copy the file k3stl.h to: <directory where Kylix 3 is installed>/include and _config.h to: <directory where Kylix 3 is installed>/include/stlport/stl Use the STL headers as usual.

The following problems also seem to be frequent, but I haven't experienced them myself:

4) Kylix hangs/quits right after typing "." Disable the code completion feature.

5) Various errors when using the IDE (hangs/quits after doing some mouse operations, etc.) Add to the starting scripts: <directory where Kylix 3 is installed>/bin/startdelphi <directory where Kylix 3 is installed>/bin/startbcb the following line: export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 right after the line first line ("#!/bin/bash"). Upgrading the kernel to the latest version appears to solve this issue, but the results might depend on the distribution.

Links: In this page there is an excellent patch suite for Kylix 3, which solves all the problems mentioned above and also a number of bugs found the VisualCLX:

I hope you find this information useful, Andres

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