I need to realize such task.
1. In my user's home dir I have folder1;
2. In folder1 I have some (various count) subfolders with random names;
3. In these subfolders I have one file anyname.pdf (various name in each subfolder) and file content.txt (constant name in each subfolder)
## If in subfolder more than one .pdf or more than one .txt file, I must miss this subfolder (move it to Folder3 - it's one of the folders of my user's home dir) ;
4. I must to scan every subfolders in folder1,
enter in each one;
5. If this subfolder has more than one .pdf file or more than one .txt file, I must go to next subfolder (with moving this subfolder to Folder3);
6. In «good» subfolders I must take file content.txt;
7. It has such structure:
dfdf{some trash}wqwq
info info ... info
dfdf{some trash}wqwq
8. In this file content.txt I must find and cut only «useful_info» (between begin_of_useful_info and end_of_useful_info,including it):
info info ... info
( begin_of_useful_info and end_of_useful_info is key-words on each content.txt, it must be cutted too)
9. this info I must put in new .txt file with name as .pdf file in this subfolder!
In folder1/4323353/ I have files GHTY34.pdf and content.txt. So, after operation I must get a file GHTY34.txt with useful_info)
10. delete parsed file content.txt
(so, now I have again two files in subfolder somename.pdf and somename.txt)
11. then I must copy files .pdf and new .txt with similar names somewhere, for example in folder2 (my user's home dir) and delete analized subfolder.
12. Go to next subfolder.
That's all
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от stevejobs
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