Как я уже писал ранее, решил осилить python. Читаю книжку, параллельно зашел на odesk и посмотрел задачку.
Prompt the user for an amount representing the cost of food. Your program should display the Tip, which is usually 17% of the cost of the meal. You also need to calculate the sales tax, which is 8%. Finally, add up the total, which is the sum of food, tip, and tax.
print("Enter cost of food:")
bill = float(input())
print ('Bill =', round(bill))
bill_with_tax = round((bill/100)*8+bill)
#print ('Bill with tax =', (bill_with_tax))
print ('Tax =', round(float(bill/100*8)))
tax_and_tip = round(bill_with_tax/100*17)
print ('Tip =', round(tax_and_tip))
total = bill_with_tax+tax_and_tip
print ('Total bill with tax & tip =', total)
т.е не вышлю же я ему просто задание.py