Как запускать adonthell? Пишу /usr/games/bin/adonthell home bin # ./adonthell Usage: ./adonthell [OPTIONS] GAME Where [OPTIONS] can be: -h print this help message -d print the data directory and exit -v print version and exit -l list installed games and exit -g dir play the game contained in dir (for development only) -c byte-compile all Python scripts in this directory (for development only) Пишу /usr/games/bin/adonthell adonthell home bin # ./adonthell Usage: ./adonthell [OPTIONS] GAME Where [OPTIONS] can be: -h print this help message -d print the data directory and exit -v print version and exit -l list installed games and exit -g dir play the game contained in dir (for development only) -c byte-compile all Python scripts in this directory (for development only) Это же игра, что ей надо?
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