emerge mate-base/mate
- * IMPORTANT: 13 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
- * Use eselect news read to view new items.
- * IMPORTANT: 13 config files in '/etc/portage' need updating.
- * sections of the emerge man page to learn how to update config files. Calculating dependencies... done!
- ebuild N ] dev-libs/tinyxml-2.6.2-r2 USE=«stl -debug -doc -static-libs»
- ebuild N ] x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.3-r1 ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
- ebuild N ] dev-python/numpy-1.10.4 USE="-doc -lapack {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7 python3_5 -python3_4 -python3_6»
- ebuild N ] app-text/scrollkeeper-dtd-1.0-r1
- ebuild N ] sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.7.8 USE=«python -static-libs» PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7 python3_5 -python3_4 -python3_6»
- ebuild N ] x11-libs/libfakekey-0.1-r3 USE="-debug -doc"
- ebuild N ] app-text/rarian-0.8.1-r3 USE="-static-libs"
- ebuild N ] x11-libs/libXxf86misc-1.0.3-r1 USE="-static-libs"
- ebuild N ] sys-power/cpupower-3.18 USE=«nls -cpufreq_bench -debug»
- ebuild N ] dev-libs/libpwquality-1.4.0 USE=«pam python -static-libs» PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7 python3_5 -python3_4 -python3_6»
- ebuild N ] x11-libs/startup-notification-0.12-r1 USE="-static-libs"
- ebuild N ] dev-python/pygobject-2.28.6-r55 USE="-examples -libffi {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7»
- ebuild N ] dev-libs/libsigc++-2.10.0 USE="-doc -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
- ebuild N ] dev-python/pycairo-1.16.3-r1 USE="-doc -examples {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7 python3_5 (-pypy) (-pypy3) -python3_4 -python3_6»
- ebuild N ] x11-themes/mate-backgrounds-1.12.0
- ebuild N ] x11-libs/gnome-pty-helper-0.40.2 USE=«hardened»
- ebuild N ] gnome-base/libgtop-2.36.0 USE=«introspection»
- ebuild N ] dev-cpp/glibmm-2.52.1 USE="-debug -doc {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
- ebuild N ] media-libs/libmatemixer-1.12.1-r1 USE=«alsa -oss -pulseaudio»
- ebuild N ] dev-cpp/cairomm-1.12.0-r1 USE=«X svg (-aqua) -doc» ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
- ebuild N ] dev-libs/json-glib-1.2.8 USE=«introspection -debug» ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
- ebuild R ] app-text/poppler-0.62.0-r1 USE=«cairo*»
- ebuild N ] dev-python/pygobject-3.24.1 USE=«cairo threads -examples {-test}» PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7 python3_5 -python3_4 -python3_6»
- ebuild N ] app-arch/gcab-0.8 USE=«introspection -vala»
- ebuild N ] sys-power/upower-0.99.5 USE=«introspection -doc -ios (-selinux)»
- ebuild N ] dev-cpp/atkmm-2.24.2 USE="-doc" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
- ebuild N ] dev-cpp/pangomm-2.40.1 USE="-doc" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
- ebuild N ] dev-libs/appstream-glib-0.6.13 USE=«introspection nls -stemmer»
- ebuild N ] gnome-extra/zenity-3.24.0 USE="-debug -libnotify -webkit"
- ebuild N ] x11-libs/gtksourceview-3.24.7 USE=«introspection -glade {-test} -vala»
- ebuild N ] gnome-extra/gnome-calculator-3.24.0
- ebuild N ] x11-libs/gtksourceview-2.10.5-r3 USE=«{-test}»
- ebuild N ] mate-base/libmatekbd-1.12.1-r2 USE=«X introspection -gtk3 {-test}»
- ebuild N ] app-arch/engrampa-1.12.0-r1 USE="-caja -gtk3 -magic (-packagekit)"
- ebuild N ] gnome-base/libglade-2.6.4-r2 USE="-static-libs {-test} -tools" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET=«python2_7 (-pypy)» PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7 (-pypy)»
- ebuild N ] dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.24.5 USE="-doc -examples {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
- ebuild N ] gnome-extra/gucharmap-3.0.1-r200 USE=«introspection -cjk -debug -doc»
- ebuild N ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-2.20.2-r2 USE="-accessibility -lua" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
- ebuild N ] dev-python/pygtk-2.24.0-r4 USE="-doc -examples {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7»
- ebuild N ] mate-base/mate-settings-daemon-1.12.1 USE=«X sound -debug -gtk3 -libnotify -policykit -pulseaudio -smartcard»
- ebuild N ] x11-wm/marco-1.12.1 USE="-gtk3 -startup-notification {-test} -xinerama"
- ebuild N ] mate-extra/mate-utils-1.12.0-r2 USE=«X ipv6 -applet -debug -gtk3 {-test}»
- ebuild N ] mate-extra/mate-system-monitor-1.12.2 USE=«systemd -gtk3»
- ebuild N ] mate-base/mate-menus-1.12.0-r1 USE=«introspection python -debug» PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7»
- ebuild N ] dev-libs/libmateweather-1.12.2 USE=«python -debug -gtk3» PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7»
- ebuild N ] media-gfx/eom-1.12.2-r3 USE=«X dbus introspection python -debug -exif -gtk3 -jpeg -lcms -svg -tiff -xmp» PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7»
- ebuild N ] dev-python/pygtksourceview-2.10.1-r1 USE="-doc" PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7»
- ebuild N ] x11-libs/vte-0.28.2-r208 USE=«introspection python -debug» PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7»
- ebuild N ] mate-base/mate-panel-1.12.2-r3 USE=«X introspection -gtk3»
- ebuild N ] x11-misc/mozo-1.12.0-r1 USE="-gtk3" PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7»
- ebuild N ] x11-terms/mate-terminal-1.12.1 USE="-gtk3"
- ebuild N ] app-editors/pluma-1.12.2-r1 USE=«python -gtk3 -spell {-test}» PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7»
- ebuild N ] mate-extra/mate-netbook-1.12.0 USE="-gtk3"
- ebuild N ] mate-extra/mate-media-1.12.1 USE="-gtk3"
- ebuild N ] net-analyzer/mate-netspeed-1.12.0 USE="-gtk3"
- ebuild N ] mate-extra/mate-power-manager-1.12.1-r2 USE=«applet -gnome-keyring -gtk3 -man -pm-utils -policykit {-test}»
- ebuild N ] mate-base/mate-applets-1.12.1-r4 USE=«X ipv6 upower -gtk3 -policykit» PYTHON_TARGETS=«python2_7»
- ebuild N ] mate-base/mate-applets-meta-1.12 USE="-appindicator -gtk3 -netspeed -sensors"
- ebuild N ] app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.6 USE=«crypt introspection -debug {-test} -vala»
- ebuild N ] gnome-base/gnome-keyring-3.20.1 USE=«caps filecaps pam ssh-agent (-selinux) {-test}»
- ebuild R ] app-crypt/pinentry-1.0.0-r2 USE=«gnome-keyring*»
- ebuild N ] sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility-3.24.1 USE=«systemd -fat -gnome»
- ebuild N ] mate-base/mate-control-center-1.12.1-r1 USE="-appindicator -debug -gtk3"
- ebuild N ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-murrine-0.98.2-r1 USE=«themes -animation-rtl» ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)"
- ebuild N ] x11-themes/murrine-themes-0.98.0-r1
- ebuild N ] x11-themes/mate-themes-3.22.7
- ebuild N ] x11-themes/mate-themes-meta-3-r2 USE="-gtk2-only"
- ebuild N ] x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.16 USE=«gtk»
- ebuild N ] x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.10-r1
- ebuild N ] mate-base/mate-session-manager-1.12.2-r1 USE=«ipv6 systemd -debug -gnome-keyring -gtk3 (-upower)»
- ebuild N ] mate-extra/mate-screensaver-1.12.0-r1 USE=«X pam systemd (-consolekit) -debug -gtk3 -libnotify -opengl»
- ebuild N ] app-text/libspectre-0.2.7 USE="-debug -doc -static-libs"
- ebuild N ] app-text/atril-1.12.2-r5 USE=«dbus introspection postscript -caja -debug -djvu -dvi -epub -gnome-keyring -gtk3 -t1lib -tiff -xps»
- ebuild N ] mate-base/mate-1.12-r1 USE=«base extras notification themes (-bluetooth) -gtk3 -help»
- The following USE changes are necessary to proceed:
- (see «package.use» in the portage(5) man page for more details)
- # required by app-text/atril-1.12.2-r5::gentoo
- # required by mate-base/mate-1.12-r1::gentoo[extras]
- # required by mate-base/mate (argument)
- >=app-text/poppler-0.62.0-r1 cairo
- # required by gnome-base/gnome-keyring-3.20.1::gentoo
- # required by app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.6::gentoo
- # required by sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility-3.24.1::gentoo
- # required by mate-base/mate-1.12-r1::gentoo[extras]
- # required by mate-base/mate (argument)
- >=app-crypt/pinentry-1.0.0-r2 gnome-keyring
- Use --autounmask-write to write changes to config files (honoring
- CONFIG_PROTECT). Carefully examine the list of proposed changes,
- paying special attention to mask or keyword changes that may expose
- experimental or unstable packages.