Что значит FD 255u в выводе lsof

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Одна строка из lsof. интересует что такое 255u в столбце FD. Что такое 0u-2u знаю.

bash    17344 danilka  255u   CHR  136,0      0t0       3 /dev/pts/0

root@Debian:~# ls /proc/17344/fd/255
lrwx------ 1 danilka 64 Sep 13 14:08 /proc/17344/fd/255 -> /dev/pts/0
root@Debian:~# ls /proc/17344/fd/0
lrwx------ 1 danilka 64 Sep 13 14:08 /proc/17344/fd/0 -> /dev/pts/0
root@Debian:~# ls /proc/17344/fd/2
lrwx------ 1 danilka 64 Sep 13 14:08 /proc/17344/fd/2 -> /dev/pts/0

       FD         is the File Descriptor number of the file or:

                       cwd  current working directory;
                       Lnn  library references (AIX);
                       err  FD information error (see NAME column);
                       jld  jail directory (FreeBSD);
                       ltx  shared library text (code and data);
                       Mxx  hex memory-mapped type number xx.
                       m86  DOS Merge mapped file;
                       mem  memory-mapped file;
                       mmap memory-mapped device;
                       pd   parent directory;
                       rtd  root directory;
                       tr   kernel trace file (OpenBSD);
                       txt  program text (code and data);
                       v86  VP/ix mapped file;

                  FD is followed by one of these  characters,  describing  the
                  mode under which the file is open:

                       r for read access;
                       w for write access;
                       u for read and write access;
                       space if mode unknown and no lock
                            character follows;
                       `-' if mode unknown and lock
                            character follows.
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