[arch] - поиск по yaourt




Такое ощущение, что сломался поиск по AUR.
pacman -Ss <пакет> - все замечательно ищет
yaourt -Ss amarok2 - ничего не выдает


yaourt -S amarok2 - пакет ставит

Вопроса 2:

1. Как починить поиск? В каком направлении смотреть?
2. Есть ли поиск через web интерфейс по репозиториям для Arch Linux? Аналог


сломали. Ждём обновления йогурта.

amoralyrr ★☆
Ответ на: комментарий от marsijanin

проверил, работает. может все-таки заапдейтишся? там, кстати, mirrorlist апдейтили, нужно было руками править. почитай на главной арча.

eyunak@wire:~$ sudo yaourt -Ss amarok2
aur/amarok2-svn 896272-1 (43)
Amarok2 - a media player for KDE
aur/amarok2 2.0-1 (114)
KDE Music Player
aur/amarok2-svn-se 903501-1 (1)
Amarok2 - a media player for KDE (new - search playlist)

eyunak@wire:~$ sudo yaourt -S amarok2
==> WARNING: Building unsupported package as root is dangerous.
Please run yaourt as a non-privileged user.
==> Resuming previous build

==> Downloading amarok2 PKGBUILD from AUR...

==> Last 5 comments ordered by date (asc):

Comment by: Hades on 20081218 [14:24:12]
Please add -DWITH_Mtp=OFF to cmake config options until libmtp is updated

Comment by: steeze on 20081218 [17:07:25]
yes, as you can se from the comment above...
it's strange, cause if you use the libmtp provided by kdemod repository all should be fine...

Comment by: steeze on 20081219 [15:35:18]

Comment by: fettouhi on 20081220 [10:31:52]
I just installed the latest versions of libmtp (0.3.4) and gnomad2 via AUR and my Creative Vision M: 60 GP mp3 player is detected without any problems and is mounted. Then I installed Amarok2 from AUR turning mtp support (removed mtp=off flag from the pkgbuild file). But when I start Amarok now it doesn't see my mp3 player at all. Does mtp support even work in Amarok 2.0? Any experiences?

Comment by: Hades on 20081220 [17:57:57]
Yes, mtp should be supported in Amarok 2. Please join #amarok on if you have any problems with it.

First Submitted: Sat, 06 Sep 2008 08:06:44 +0000
Last Updated: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 15:34:57 +0000
amarok2 2.0-1 (Unsupported): KDE Music Player

==> amarok2 dependencies:
- kdebase-runtime (package found)
- taglib (already installed)
- phonon (package found)
- qt (already installed)
- xine-lib (package found)
- libmp4v2 (already installed)
- libmtp (package found)
- cmake (package found)
- automoc4 (package found)
- mysql (package found)
==> Edit the PKGBUILD (recommended) ? [Y/n]("A" to abort)
==> ----------------------------------------------

==> Continue the building of amarok2 ? [Y/n]
==> ----------------------------------------------

val-amart ★★★★★
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