Dm3Ch-UX31A Packet Tracer Version 5.3.2 # emerge --ask packettracer
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild N f ~] app-emulation/packettracer-532-r2 USE="-doc -online-exam"
Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] yes
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Emerging (1 of 1) app-emulation/packettracer-532-r2 from regen2-overlay
!!! Fetched file: PacketTracer532_Generic_Fedora.tar.gz VERIFY FAILED!
!!! Reason: Insufficient data for checksum verification
!!! Got:
!!! Expected: MD5 RMD160 SHA1 SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL
* Fetch failed for 'app-emulation/packettracer-532-r2', Log file:
* '/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/packettracer-532-r2/temp/build.log'
* To fetch sources you need cisco account which is available in case
* you are cisco web-learning student, instructor or you sale cisco hardware, etc..
* After that point your browser at
* Login, go to PacketTracer image and download:
* Packet Tracer v5.3.2 Application + Tutorial Generic Fedora links (tar.gz) file
>>> Failed to emerge app-emulation/packettracer-532-r2, Log file:
>>> '/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/packettracer-532-r2/temp/build.log'
* Messages for package app-emulation/packettracer-532-r2:
* Fetch failed for 'app-emulation/packettracer-532-r2', Log file:
* '/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/packettracer-532-r2/temp/build.log'
* To fetch sources you need cisco account which is available in case
* you are cisco web-learning student, instructor or you sale cisco hardware, etc..