Открыта позиция в компании Oracle Development SPb. (Санкт-Петербург)
Responsibilities include - design, implement and run the tests for Oracle VM and EUK (Enterprise Unbreakable Kernel) - work with development team on debugging the problems during product development and customer bug fixing - develop and maintain test plan documents - work with product management team on 'best practices' for oracle vm deployment - participate in the QA automation infrastructure enhancements
Required expertise - excellent knowledge of Linux OS and xen virtualization - hands-on experience with OS specific tests for servers, storage and network validation - working knowledge of python, shell scripting and Java - excellent troubleshooting skills - excellent written and verbal communication skills - experience with windows and Solaris is a plus
Зарплата: Обсуждается на интервью.
Английский язык: средний разговорный уровень.
E-mail: anna.goryachkina@oracle.com
Phone: +7 495 641 15 18 - Евгения Ипполитова