root@vm-9699334a:~# sudo systemctl status apache2 ● apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service; disabled; vendor preset: enab Drop-In: /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service.d └─apache2-systemd.conf Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2020-05-09 19:43:59 UTC; 27min ago
May 09 19:43:59 vm-9699334a systemd[1]: Starting The Apache HTTP Server… May 09 19:43:59 vm-9699334a apachectl[23308]: apache2: Could not open configuration f May 09 19:43:59 vm-9699334a apachectl[23308]: Action ‘start’ failed. May 09 19:43:59 vm-9699334a apachectl[23308]: The Apache error log may have more info May 09 19:43:59 vm-9699334a systemd[1]: apache2.service: Control process exited, code May 09 19:43:59 vm-9699334a systemd[1]: apache2.service: Failed with result ’exit-cod May 09 19:43:59 vm-9699334a systemd[1]: Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server. lines 1-13/13 (END)