Those cells also have an interesting distribution: as more cells are added, they're preferentially added to a region of the brain called the pallium, which in humans handles things like spatial reasoning, language, and memory. As a result, this area has an impressive number of cells. Ravens and keas (a type of parrot that does live in the fjords) have more neurons in the pallium than a Capuchin monkey. A macaw has more than a rhesus monkey.
As with size and weight, there's no simple relationship between the number of neurons in a brain and its capabilities. But the work certainly presents an argument that we shouldn't assume the thought processes of birds have to be limited by their brains' size. And the authors even suggest there might be some advantages; with more neurons packed closer together, signals shouldn't typically have to travel as far before reaching their destination. Thus, birds might perform information processing a bit more quickly than mammals.
так что если вы не пожабитесь 2к зелени на Macaw или Какаду... и еще 1000+ на его клетку, то у вас в доме может появится еще немножко интеллекта. :-) Своеобразного.
Если денег нет, то можно и врановых приручать, правда они имеют тенденцию к большему разрушительству, чем попугаи.