Не могу удержаться от того, чтобы не перепостить этот жирнющий вброс с LKML. Бздунам должно понравиться :D
mentioning a windows plugin was not ok, even it it was open-source, EVEN if it is the worlds best, and would benefit the audio community much, having no such thing, making people turn to Mac because Waves plugins are there, for instance. And criticising the GPL was not ok, even thought it is irrational, and coupled to a phallic idol. I do not put an obscure licence, coupled to obscure statements and a symbolic representation of Stallmans genitals. The pride of symbolically recieving semen, seems to fit their brat behaviour. That is all they are, and what a Satan is. It is completely irrational, and people like these no doubt, are like brainwashed sectarians, greeting sieg heil in semenworship, and no doubt is open to gay sex sooner or later.