
Cloud Storage War in China




As a native Chinese, let me tell you what happend in the area of cloud storage in China and the details.This is called «Cloud Storage War in China»

First of all, you should know the top cloud storage companies in China: Baidu, Tencent, Sina, Kingsoft, Qihoo 360, Huawei.

Before, China’s free storage services are mainly focused on storage capacity under 15GB. But in Aug 13, 2013, Kingsoft Cloud officially announced that the company has received $ 20 million investment.Supported by the financing, Kingsoft Kuaipan, a service under Kingsoft Cloud, offers a 100G free storage service to personal users.

Then Qihoo 360 said that they offer users 360 GB of permanent free space. Then Baidu said: Pay 1 RMB, and you'll get 1TB permanent space.(6.1 RMB=1 USD) Then Qihoo 360 said: we'll offer users extra 666 GB of free space (360GB+666GB=1026GB, more than 1TB) Then Baidu said: we offer users 1TB free, and if pay 1 RMB, you'll get extra 1TB. Then Tencent said: we offer users 10TB of free and permanent space. Then Qihoo 360 said: we offer users unlimited space, free and permanent. Then Baidu change its service to: we directly offer users 2TB for free, no need money, and claimed that it will give back that 1 RMB to users that payed before.

And Sina said: we offer users 100GB of free space, and will offer more latar. It also said: if you share one file to public, you will get the same size of free permanent space.(so called: unlimited) And Huawe said: if you share one file to public, then you can delete this file, while the file is not actually deleted on server, you can also download it.( so called:unlimited)

More information about those companies:

Baidu(NASDAQ:BIDU), the largest search engine in China. Tencent(700.HK), its instant messaging product «QQ» has over 700 million active users and 160 million users online at the same time by 2012. Its mobile App «WeChat» is worldwide popular, having hundreds of millions of users. Sina(NASDAQ:SINA), its product «weibo», same as Twitter, has over 500 millions of users. Kingsoft(03888.HK), mainly worked on security software products Qihoo 360(NYSE:QIHU), is a software company known for its antivirus software Huawei, the largest Communications Equipment Company (instead Ericsson on 2012)

Below is a link that Tencent Weiyun offer you 10TB (in English): And the cloud storage site is (in English):

Below is a link that Baidu Yun offer you 2TB (in Chinese): And the cloud storage site is (in Chinese):

Others, you can open their offical site, Sina: Qihoo 360: Kingsoft: Huawei:


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