
Дебианкапец грядёт

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Дебиан захвачен редхатом и канониклом, системд во все поля, юзеры не нужны, а несогласные, могут сосать лапу.

I was invited to post this here. I was banned for posting it on the other debian user forum.

The fact of the matter is that the technical committee even ruling on this matter was an illegal abuse of process. Such wide ranging changes which are not purely technical in nature Must go to a general resolution to be voted on by all of the debian package maintainers. The abuse of the technical committee, which is stacked with former or current redhat and ubuntu(canonical) employees was intentional. It came just at the time when the correct person was in the chairmanship.

What has occurred in debian can be described as a coup.

And the trajectory has followed the standard coup path: a beurocratic organ was used to over ride and subvert a formally democratic body, then once such was completed the decision made by a few was declared fiat complete, then harsh critics of the new regime were silenced, and the population informed that they had two choices: conform or get out.

Ответ на: комментарий от Loki13

Ты смотри, скоро баш и core utils выпилят. И файндить и грепать тоже через systemd надо будет. Если что, я на винде сижу, а на выделенном серваке мне systemd не нужен - там будет или солярка, или стабильный дебиан.

Shadow ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: Shadow (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: комментарий от Shadow

ага, недолго я радовался: с sysvinit-core, то есть без systemd-sysv, в kde через dolphin нельзя монтировать флешки. кучка тем в интеренте на эту тему уже есть.

grem ★★★★★
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