!Ъ: http://www.olafsw.de/availability-of-qt-free-edition/ (блог одного из членов KDE Free Qt Foundation, которая и была создана для защиты Qt от деятельности проприетарщиков).
In my last blog posts, I explained the KDE Free Qt Foundation, which guarantees the free availability of the Qt Toolkit. Today, The Qt Company introduced a new Qt online installer that requires users to accept additional license terms. Many people have contacted me with concerns about this change. I share this concern. Even before this, I have already been concerned about the structure of the qt.io download page, since it blurs the lines between the Qt Toolkit itself and additional, proprietary products. As a workaround, please use the qt-opensource-* files in the sub-subfolders of http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/. In my function as KDE’s representative on the KDE Free Qt Foundation, I am working with The Qt Company on having all this fixed. I still trust that this was an honest mistake inside The Qt Company, and that the corrections will be made soon.
Случай напоминает тот якобы баг с документацией к MySQL, скорее всего, так же как и он сабжевый «баг» будет пофикшен, но у Digia в любом случае останутся коварные планы по превращению Qt в проприетарщину, и последующий за этим эпичный глобальный вендерлок.