Этим замечательным пулл-реквестом, Lennart Poettering, добавил замену su(1) в machinectl.
Открыть новый шелл для root на локальной машине:
$ machinectl shell
Для указания пользователя используется опция --uid=...
When using the shell command without arguments (thus invoking the executed shell or command on the local host) it is similar in many ways to a su(1) session, but unlike su completely isolates the new session from the originating session, so that it shares no process or session properties, and is in a clean and well-defined state. It will be tracked in a new utmp, login, audit, security and keyring session, and will not inherit any environment variables or resource limits, among other properties.
Несколько слов от Леннарта про su(1)
Well, there have been long discussions about this, but the problem is that what «su» is supposed to do is very unclear. On one hand it's supposed to open a new session and change a number of execution context parameters (uid, gid, env, ...), and on the other it's supposed to inherit a lot concepts from the originating session (tty, cgroup, audit, ...). Since this is so weakly defined it's a really weird mix&match of old and new paramters. To keep this somewhat managable we decided to only switch the absolute minimum over, and that excludes XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, specifically because XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is actually bound to the session/audit runtime and those we do not transition. Instead we simply unset it.
Long story short: «su» is really a broken concept. It will given you kind of a shell, and it's fine to use it for that, but it's not a full login, and shouldn't be mistaken for one.
THis has come up many times, but nothing really changed, hence closing this now. I understand this is confusing and unexpected, but well, that's UNIX...