Просто ребята из DoM то же кушать хотят :)

robot12 ★★★★★

The run-up to Vista in 2006 could be Microsoft's last chance to stop badly behaved Windows applications by publishing a definitive set of guidelines, and enforcing the guidelines in its logo programs and malicious software protection products—even against its own developers.

"The time has come for Microsoft to show discipline in dealing with bad applications, and to lead in the war on spyware and other malicious software."
—Michael Cherry, lead analyst, Windows

гыгы.. да уж, смешно :) впрочем, равно как и печально.

// wbr

klalafuda ★☆☆
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Строим препятствия, а затем героичеси их преодолеваем ....

robot12 ★★★★★
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