Неплохая статейка, немножко с картинками, о том, как была реорганизована сама Шиндовс за последние годы/десятилетие.
Яркие исходы и увольнения, которые воспринимаются как дискретное событие, имеют под собой весьма обширный базис.
This change was substantial. Engineers told us that under the old structure they «weren't in this together.» While there was communication between members of different teams, this tended to be at a low level, between engineers, with little strategic coordination. Some descriptions we've heard suggest a level of outright hostility, with the Windows team actively avoiding collaboration and coordination with the Phone team.
And as long as it has taken the company, Microsoft has still arguably achieved something that its competitors have not. Rumors that Google will somehow merge ChromeOS and Android have been circulating for some time, but it hasn't happened just yet. Apple's iOS, tvOS, and OS X all have many portions in common, but they don't yet offer the kind of uniform platform and developer experience that Windows 10 does. It took more than two decades to get there, but Microsoft still somehow got there first.