Tom Archer - MSDN Program Manager and Content Strategist for Windows Vista, the Windows SDK and Visual C++.
В его блоге есть такая статья: "Why MSDN publishes more Managed Code than Native Code Information"
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:00 PM by tomarcher Ken - "Without native code we'd either have to shut down or switch to a non-Windows OS."
I bet you work at a dogshit factory where you guys do nothing but make dogshit software all day. On top of that I bet it takes forever to get anything accomplished because nobody has a functional terminal window. You should be so lucky if your company used a non-Windows OS. Too bad you are a retard. Learn to COMPUTE!
Vamsum_Kris - Thousands of lines for a web app??? learn a useful OOP language like Java or Ruby (C/C++ does not count since it is a piece of shit... do people still use this crappy language? have fun with all your nasty ass make files.) After learning the basic syntax of one of these languages buy a book on refactoring/prefactoring. If you ever have thousands of lines of code for a web app YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!
We thought about making a working file system and terminal window for Windows Vista... but it was too hard so we just made things look pretty and added more desktop backgrounds.