
Линус Торвальдс о MacBook на Apple M1




Linus Torvalds ( on November 14, 2020 1:12 pm wrote:

Paul ( on November 14, 2020 3:08 am wrote:
> What do you think of the new Apple laptop?

I'd absolutely love to have one, if it just ran Linux.. I have fairly fond memories
of the 11" Macbook Air (I think 4,1) that I used about a decade ago (but moved away
from because it took Apple too long to fix the screen - and by the time they did, I'd
moved on to better laptops, and Apple had moved on to make Linux less convenient).

Apple may run Linux in their cloud, but their laptops don't ;(

I've been waiting for an ARM laptop that can run Linux for a <i>long</i> time. The new
Air would be almost perfect, except for the OS. And I don't have the time to tinker
with it, or the inclination to fight companies that don't want to help.



Ответ на: комментарий от Reset

Гикбенч не считается. Мне фотожопить и быдловидосики резать. Тут получается что M1 по цене между i3 и i5, но i5 натягивает i3 вдвое - всётаки 4 ядра против 2.

Ответ на: комментарий от Reset

Будем смотреть, после попадания в руки пользователям, а то в пс5 тоже обещали 4k и 120фпс, а пофакту есть выбор между 4к 30фпс и 1080р 60фпс с просадками

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