IEEE Computer Society является одной из крупнейших международной организаций по научной деятельности, связанной с компьютерами. В солидных университетах обычно есть её представительство. Даже в России. Так вот, томское представительство бьёт все рекорды.
Те, кто не владеет английским не поймут, а для тех кто владеет, ссылка:
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Here is a book for anyone who would like to become better acquainted with a modern style of professional English
This book is intended for students, post-graduate students, and young scientists, which professional English is not fluent
The book take a look on magnificent methodology of creation of abstracts, papers, reports, and articles in English
Here is an elegant introduction to the approach to professional English for students, post-graduate students, and young researchers to achieve a recognition of they own researches abroad without fluent knowledge of foreign languages. This unique book contains excellent technology of penetration in the foreign scientific magazines. Also it will be especially useful to those who wishes to combine researches with scientific tourism at the best scientific centers worldwide.
150 pages in two languages, with PICTURES!
Complete manual with lexical vocabulary and advices in ONE BOTTLE!
Easy and simply to read!
After reading you want ONLY 15 MINUTES for create and abstract in professional English appropriate for our foreign brothers on brain.
Already on sale!
Dr. Oleg Stukach Tomsk Polytechnic University