Захожу значит я на ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/unrtf/ Файрфоксом, а мне выдается: FTP error Document can't be retrieved. Server answers: 220 GNU FTP server ready. 230-Due to U.S. Export Regulations, all cryptographic software on this 230-site is subject to the following legal notice: 230- 230- This site includes publicly available encryption source code 230- which, together with object code resulting from the compiling of 230- publicly available source code, may be exported from the United 230- States under License Exception "TSU" pursuant to 15 C.F.R. Section 230- 740.13(e). 230- 230-This legal notice applies to cryptographic software only. Please see 230-the Bureau of Industry and Security (www.bxa.doc.gov) for more 230-information about current U.S. regulations. 230 Login successful. 200 Switching to Binary mode. 227 Entering Passive Mode (199,232,41,7,246,54) 250 Directory successfully changed. 150 Here comes the directory listing. 226 Directory send OK. 227 Entering Passive Mode (199,232,41,7,77,211)
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