Недавно в рассылке tur-users (про ArchLinux) разразился скандальчик. Кто-то выложил в их репозиторий Ion, патченный для работы с xft. Те, кто знаком с эпистолярным творчеством Tuomo Valkonen'а и его темпераментом, не удивятся тому, что последовало. Сначала он потребовал, чтобы этот пакет убрали, поскольку распространение кода, написанного не им, под именем Ion он считает нарушением права собственности на название Ion. Потом он сообщил, что собирается изменить условия лицензии, под которой поставляется Ion. С его загонами можно спорить, но по ходу дела он высказал несколько соображений, с которыми я, в общем, согласился бы:
"in fact, after final Ion3 is released, I'm not going to write a line of so-called "free software"; so poor has been the treatment of the FOSS herd (both of my code, and of the good old *nix), that I'm not going to do them any services any more."
"FOSS shit has been on a constant downward slide ever since I started using it back in '95-'96, especially after all sorts of world domination plans, like Gnome, were announced. Windows, OTOH, has improved, although Vista has a small degradation again: you also can't easily disable the blurry fonts completely, just like Linux that requires writing loads of XML shit to do so. Maybe they've employed a few representative specimens of the FOSS herd -- a bunch of teenagers wanking to buzzwords, instead of pr0n. No wonder they can't tell a blurry font from a crisp one."
"...[Debian Etch] which I will be abandoning for either FreeBSD or Windows XP when I get a new box maybe in a few years, as Linux keeps turning into a pile of steaming shit -- unfortunately dragging *BSD down with it, but at least they don't have udev or the scsi-mapping insanity."
"[the patch is] the support of utter and total crap, that is part of the degradation of *nix: Xft and fontconfig."
"Presently, it is less work to switch to Windows than configure fontconfig. And even if Gnome or some other wimpshit provides a way to configure it, I rather use Windows than Gnome -- software that played a great part in destroying something that could've been good."
"And that is the way things are heading in Linux: either you have to waste a lot of time learning things, or you have to succumb into being a WIMPshit idiot user. I want neither."