User cannot write to a mounted partition



Hello. First of all, I appologize for writing in English. (better than translit). And here is my problem. I have a partition "/home" and for some reason a few days ago something wierd has happened to it ao that now only root can write to it. (all permission are OK for users). Actually, a user can create a file, but cannot write anything into it. fsch seems to be Ok with the partition. Do you have any suggestons? Thanks,



You're probably out of user disk space (use 'df'). There's usually some space reserved for 'root' (normal users can't use it) so he's still able to write.


К уже сказанному добавлю: полезно также уточнить в каком режиме смонтирован каталог.
Если в режиме только чтение (ro), то перемонтировать в режим чтение-запись (rw).

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