Скорее клон, потому что оригинальный использует базу данных PostgreSQL.

eveel ★★

Installing MyLOR

Prerequsites: You must have installed ANT builder and it's must be in your PATH, e.g /usr/local/ant/bin


Install DB for myLOR Currently myLOR works with only MySQL database. So: 1) create DB with name 'myl_or' and set user for it 'knoppix' with empty password (yeahh, yeahh I know that it's wrong for security reason but it's the simpliest way to see how myLOR works). 2) execute with your favourite MySQL client script 'mylor_db_dump.sql' 3) go to next section for installing application on your AS

For installing on Resin AS: 1) go to recived folder from CVS or from elsewhere; 2) find property-parameter into build.xml which corresponds for deploy path of Resin AS (property name is 'resin.deploy.dir'); 3) change this property to your deploy path on your machine; 4) type "ant resin-deploy" or just "ant" (because task 'resin-deploy' is default task). After that if no error application will be deployed into Resin AS; 5) Enjoy;

For installing on JBoss AS: 1) go to recived folder from CVS or from elsewhere; 2) find property-parameter into build.xml which corresponds for deploy path of JBoss AS (property name is 'jboss.deploy.dir'); 3) change this property to your deploy path of Jboss AS on your machine; 4) type "ant jboss-deploy". After that if no error application will be deployed into JBoss AS; 5) Enjoy;

Ответ на: комментарий от postman

это значит, что джава вступила на путь пхп пятилетней давности :) чтож, она может его и обгонит когда-нибудь.. :)

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