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Правда, не очень понимаю, откуда взялся каталист и такая нумерация. Раньше был Linux Proprietary Driver 8.42.3, а тут Catalyst 7-11.
Список фич - просто офигенный:
Launching a new terminal un RHEL5 32bit version no longer results in an inconsistent background colors appearing each time the window is minimized and maximized
The kernel module is now working on kernel version 2.6.23
An error message no longer appears during installation if dash is used as /bin/sh
А известные баги удручают:
There is no support for video playback on the second head in dual head mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-26985
Desktop corruption may be noticed when dragging the overlay/video when using dual-display mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29578
A black screen may be observed on some hardware when switching to the console or leaving the X window system when a Vesa framebuffer console driver is used. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30687
An error message appears during installation if dash is used as /bin/sh. A topic number is not available for this issue
Several distribution-specific packaging scripts are not up-to-date in this release. In particular packaging for 64-bit Ubuntu versions is known to be broken. A topic number is not available for this issue
Скорее бы уже radeonhd допилили...

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от marsijanin

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