(осторожно! возможен баян!)
Я смеялся:
Для труЪ:
In Ubuntu Christian Edition the mount command calls the sermon script. Ensuring you always get a sermon on the mount.
There is no abort() support in Ubuntu Christian Edition's glibc
Ubuntu Christian Edition is Three in One... Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu Christian Edition
In Ubuntu Christian Edition GNOME’s logo is washed just before Easter.
Ubuntu Christian Edition 7.04 will be called "Chaste Fawn"
In Ubuntu Christian Edition the sin() function has been removed from libm.
In Ubuntu Christian Edition, all documents are saved by grace through faith.
In Ubuntu Christian Edition you can burn heretic cds only.
With Ubuntu Christian Edition, you don't need to surf the web. You can walk on it. (объясните в чем тут прикол?)
For 40 days before Easter, Ubuntu Christian Edition works in text mode only.
For your dekstop, Ubuntu Christian Edition has only one theme. Love.
In Ubuntu Christian Edition Novell's e-mail program has been renamed "Creation".
Ubuntu Christian Edition uses Enlightenment for its windowmanager/desktop.
Dual boot is not possible in Ubuntu Christian edition. "Thou shalt have no other operating systems before Me...".
In Ubuntu Christian Edition, there can be only root and 12 more users, one of which will help crackers to acces the system.
Ubuntu Christian Edition was made in only seven days.
Ну и еще много в таком же духе...
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