достаточно итересное чтиво, однако.
My Dual-Core computer was useless: only one core was used. And the desktop felt very slow.
Sure, I could have compiled my own Linux kernel to enable multi-core. But that would mean search the internet for how to compile the kernel, how to enable dual-core, how to do it without breaking anything...
As I said, I'm not a system administrator, I buy a computer, it must work smoothly out of the box.
Recently, I upgraded to the latest KUbuntu.
But this time, the upgrade has been different:
- The CD-Rom is physically polled every two seconds, so it makes an horrible constant noise.
- The CPU is now always used at 100% by udev, watershed, and evms_activate processes.
- It seems like udev and fuse are both trying to manage storages, but none of them success. So I have no access to my Windows partition, no external USB hard drive access, I cannot sync my iPod music...
- The volumeUp/Down/Mute buttons and LED are not working anymore: the PCM channel now became the master channel for no reason, and the old master channel is now useless.
- Once in a while, the system says the battery isn't present anymore, and the battery is back a few seconds later.
- At every computer startup and shutdown, I get two screens of error messages and adds to the 10 error messages I got for a long time when starting Linux. The errors are not disturbing, but it's not what I call "a seamless working" nor "the system is completely controling the hardware in a clean way". At school we all use our notebook, I'm with Windows people and I'm always ashamed when such messages occurs.

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