Некоторе время назад заказал OpenSolaris
Вчера пришло письмо такого содержания:
"Dear bla-bla-bla,
This email confirms that the order you placed with Sun Microsystems for a free Open Solaris Live CD on (month/day/year) shipped via United States First Class mail on (month/day/year) to the following address:
Please allow 2-5 weeks for delivery.
We would like to hear from you when you receive this shipment. Please reply to this email and fill in the fields below:
Date on which you received this order (month/day/year): __/__/____ Were you satisfied with the order you received (yes or no): ___
Comments : _____________________________________
Thank you for your interest in Sun Microsystems Products. If you have questions please send an email to mailto:mediakit@sunwarestore.com
and reference order number ***
Your Customer Service Team."
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