Занимаюсь написанием музыки на PC, из-за чего приходится постоянно держать установленной альтернативную ОС, поскольку всё проаудио ПО, которое не под Mac, есть только под Windows. Побродив по тематическим форумам, я убедился, что значительное число пользователей хотело бы видеть версии звукового софта под Linux, особенно на фоне распространения Ubuntu. В итоге я решил разместить петицию с просьбой выпустить Cubase в каком-либо варианте под GNU/Linux. Целью является не столько получить Linux-версию конкретно Cubase (хотя лично для меня это важно, поскольку я использую именно его), сколько обратить внимание производителей профессионального звукового ПО на Linux.
Я уже видел на ЛОРе обсуждение петиций перед публикованием, мне показалось это довольно полезным, и я решил выложить свою для обсуждения. После обсуждения собираюсь разместить её на petitiononline.com.
Далее английский текст петиции (перевод мой, русский изначальный вариант приводить не стал для экономии места). Буду рад комментариям и предложениям.
Steinberg Cubase for GNU/Linux
To Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
The undersigned would like to ask Steinberg company to release a version of its widely used Cubase software for GNU/Linux operating system. Here are the reasons for that:
1) No choise of the OS for PC version of Cubase. Cubase PC version automatically means one of MS Windows versions as an operating system.
2) The main trend of Windows development is Windows Vista, but upgrading to it can make the whole system unstable. Uncertain popularity of Windows Vista and end of lifecycle of Windows XP make the future of Cubase PC Windows unclear.
3) Contradiction between hardware resources utilization and stability. Cubase performs more stable in 32-bit versions of Windows which have a number of technical and commercial restrictions of hardware resources utilization such as RAM and CPU utilization restrictions [1][2].
4) Limited support of 64-bit Windows versions by VST-plugin manufacturers [3][4][5][6][7][8][9] and sound hardware manufacturers [10][11][12] makes use of modern 64-bit operating systems even more difficult.
5) Constantly increasing market share of Linux [13][14], including professional area. More users, which chose Linux are unable to use Cubase software due to necessity to install additional proprietary OS with dual boot.
6) GNU/Linux architecture and technologies gives better fit for PC sound studio.
7) Members of Linux community are more familiar with computer science and technologies and they could help in the development of Cubase by reporting bugs etc.
8) GNU/Linux architecture is more flexible and allows to fully utilize all the hardware resources.
9) Due to Cubase Mac OS X version existance (Mac OS X is UNIX compliant [15] and shares some code with GNU/Linux) the development of Linux version is much simpler than writing from scratch.
10) A great occasion for other professional sound software manufacturers (in particular for VST-plugin manufacturers) to release a version of their product for GNU/Linux.
We admit, that now it could be difficult to release Steinberg Cubase under one of free licences (such as GPL) as it is used to in Linux community, because it could go apart of commercial interests of Steinberg company, but there are a number of successful proprietary software products working in Linux and Cubase could join them. We think it will allow Steinberg company to greatly increase a number of its users and to satisfy their interests even more.
[1] http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/aug08/articles/pcnotes_0808.htm
[2] http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/platform/server/PAE/PAEmem.mspx
[3] http://www.virsyn.de/en/E_Products/E_CANTOR_2/e_cantor_2.html
[4] http://www.native-instruments.com/index.php?id=kontakt3
[5] http://www.cakewalk.com/Products/Z3TA/system.asp
[6] http://www.spectrasonics.net/instruments/rmxfeatures/archives/2004/10/24/syst...
[7] http://www.vocaloid.com/en/before_faq.html
[8] http://www.native-instruments.com/index.php?id=reaktor5
[9] http://www.native-instruments.com/index.php?id=battery
[10] http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/FireWire1814-main.html
[11] http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/Axiom49-main.html
[12] http://www.lynxstudio.com/support_downloads_results.asp?prod=7&type=0
[13] http://www.itnews.com.au/News/81776,linux-preinstalls-rocket-to-three-per-cen...
[14] http://www.xitimonitor.com/en-us/internet-users-equipment/operating-systems-a...
[15] http://www.opengroup.org/openbrand/register/brand3555.htm

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