
psi и VoIP



Вот выдержка из maillist:

Tonight I committed the first round of our new Jingle audio/video feature. It is intended to replace our earlier libjingle-based implementation. I made a successful test call to a development version of Pidgin, and I'm still kind of shocked that it worked. :) While Pidgin and Psi are sharing GStreamer code, the XMPP/ICE layers are not shared, so this is was an excellent interop test.

It is VERY experimental. Currently only audio is supported, and Psi has to start the call. You might have to restart Psi to make a call if one fails. There's also 80 ways to crash it, there's no error checking, Psi doesn't gracefully terminate calls, etc. Tomorrow (and in time for the XMPP Summit), my goal is to make the code slightly less craptastic, and perhaps support video.

To use it, you need a separate checkout of PsiMedia. Then, add PSIMEDIA_DIR=/path/to/psimedia in Psi's conf.pri file. GStreamer dependencies are hard-coded. Edit psimedia/gstprovider/gstconf.pri to change them. With the main window focused, press ctrl+shift+N to configure your devices. To use STUN, set the PSI_STUNADDR environment variable to the IP address of a STUN server.

Ответ на: комментарий от Keller

git clone git://, блджад.


> I made a successful test call to a development version of Pidgin, and I'm still kind of shocked that it worked. :)

А как Pidgin мог принять звонок-то? Через libastral?


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