<LucidFox> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/linux-libre <-- Wow, that's a slightly oversized diff.gz.
<directhex> LucidFox, OOo's is bigger!
<LucidFox> Seriously? What is in there, tons of big patches?
<directhex> LucidFox, OOo is... complicated
<directhex> LucidFox, in short, "yes"
<directhex> openoffice.org_3.1.1.orig.tar.gz 394,144.4 kB
<directhex> openoffice.org_3.1.1-5ubuntu1.diff.gz 96,076.5 kB
<LucidFox> It's a shame that the best free office suite out there in something so out of touch with both GNOME and the Unix philosophy.
<LucidFox> s/in/is/
<directhex> if memory serves, orig is a tar-in-tar of upstream sun OOo (actually 15 upstream tarballs)
<LucidFox> O_O
* LucidFox headdesks.
<-- balbir has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
<directhex> the patch set is a 214 meg diff
<directhex> including a uuencoded copy of an entire icon set
<directhex> ( ooo-build/src/ooo_oxygen_images-2009-06-17.tar.gz.uu |317713 +++++++++)
<directhex> the diff is basically the entire go-oo patchset, including (e.g.) 334,000 lines of VBA test scripts
<directhex> LucidFox, building OOo takes about 101 gig of space and 10 hours of core2duo
* LucidFox O_O
<directhex> bah
<directhex> 10 not 101
<directhex> oh, and lots of RAM too

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