Jerome Glisse заставил работать shader-complier для r600g. Собственно, обещает скоро запустить glxgears, пока только треугольники :)
So after battling with shader, thinking my compiler was giving me crap, i noticed that the w component was forced to 0.0 ... well of course now taking vertex input format into account things work. So here it's tri-flat being render using a shiny compiler infrastructure. I also added a todo list in r600_winsys.h (it's big but it's the begining). So now i will finish plugin the state thing so tri-flat is actually flat and not gouraud shaded, then some cleanup in the flush so i just flush when gallium ask for it. Then it's about growing the shader compiler to support more instruction, this should be «easy». I hope to have glxgears soon. Anyway here is a screenshot (i unplugged the clear stuff now that i got the other part working i will soon plug the clear gallium helper stuff).
Oh i forgot to stress that it only works on r7xx because my main computer has a no fan r7xx GPU :) once i got gears working i will make sure that r6xx are working too (or just send me no fan r6xx gpu).