Собственно письмецо вот пришло, ищут разработчиков портов под линукс и мак, за деньги:
Please help us spread the word about our new jobs page, allowing anybody to contribute their hard work and get paid for it. We are currently looking for programmers to help us port ApexDC++ to Linux (and eventually Mac), so you guys can benefit from running the program on multiple platforms.
Here is the announcement: http://forums.apexdc.net/topic/3778-guide-we-are-now-hiring/
Please digg it and spread the word: http://digg.com/programming/ApexDC_are_hiring
Regards, ApexDC++ Management
Правда пациент скорее мертв чем жив, во всяком случае в Рашке. Однако судя по форуму за рубежом народ юзает весьма активно.