Alex Fiestas объявил о выходе BlueDevil 1.0rc4, надстройки над Bluez которая должна заменить устаревший Kbluetooth. По идее следующая версия дОлжна быть final release
After a lot of work, and a lot of testing done by a lot of people the RC4 is here and we hope it will be the last one before the final release.
- Fix a crash in the file receiver
- Fix a crash in the KDED
- Cleaned audio UUID’s (less false positives in the wizard)
- Added Audio Sink support in the systray application (Patch by Peter Korf)
- some i18n work (not perfect tough)
- A lot of work in kio_obexftp, it should be stable now, test it!
- Some times the systray application is not updated correctly
- kio_obexftp is stable, but some times has weird behaviours (testers needed!)
- kio_obexftp «rename» action is not working in some cases.
- Do not use the RC4 tag, use RC4-1 instead.
Help needed:
Since we hope that this will be the last Release Candidate, we need a lot of test to get the final version rock solid, so please test test and test!
По ссылке имеется ролик демонстрирующий работу модуля