Проект, разрабатывающей замечательную RTS c открытым исходным кодом 0 A.D. ищет человека, способного взять на себя руководство звуковой частью проекта.
Пожелание к новому лидеру:
Sound Lead You should have solid understanding of sound creation/editing so you can guide other contributors, as well as create sounds yourself if you want to, if necessary you might be required to edit sound clips contributed to maintain a high level of quality. Your tasks will consist of managing the other sound contributors, and their contributions, making sure the world of 0 A.D. sounds as good as it possibly can. Other tasks may include keeping documentation up-to-date, putting the sounds into the game via XML editing, and interacting with the programmers to make sure that sound is implemented in a way that makes the most sense.
Среди лоровцев было замечено много людей, владеющих музыкальными инструментами и хвалящихся абсолютным слухом, мб кто-то и заинтересуется.