Из официальной рассылки HP Gabble:
Thanks for your use of Gabble. As previously communicated via email, HP is concluding its Gabble beta trial and the website will be shutting down on March 11, 2011.
At this point, we are no longer accepting new posts. However, your videos will be available for download from now until our final day on March 11th, 2011.
We have added a link named “Download” below each of your videos viewable in the main Videos section. All videos will be downloaded in the original format that they were created. If you recorded them via our in-browser recorder, then they will be downloaded as flash video files, *.flv.
Thank you for supporting Gabble during our beta trial and feel free to email us at gabble@hp.com if you have any questions.
- The Gabble Team
Gabble - социальная сеть от HP, основанная на идее общения через короткие видеоролики, записанные участниками на web-камеры.