В своём блоге создатель и главный разработчик Sabayon Linux Фабио Эркулиани пишет
So ladies (and gentlemen, but mostly ladies). After four years of hard work on Entropy (the Sabayon Package Manager). I’ve been able to deploy what, even before Apple AppStore, Google Market, etc etc, I had in mind, and that’s not all (anyway).
What do we have here then? Friday night I had the magic intuition: how can I provide click-and-install “executables” for a so-fragmented world like the FLOSS one? On a rolling distro, even? Where a dependency graph complexity could eat you in just one bite? So, the magic word is “metadata embedding”. I won’t discuss the internal details here (have a look at the Entropy git repo log and you’ll get it), but rather focusing on the WOW thing. So, I’ve been able to pack up into a very small space (~1mb), up to 300-400 packages metadata (flattened dep graph). The result? The ability to install Sabayon applications (for Sabayon-based systems only, of course) via http://packages.sabayon.org, the online “Entropy Store”.
Yeah, clicky links called “Install (beta)”, on a rolling Linux distro. Ain’t that something?
Next step would be figuring out if it would be possible to poll the local Entropy installed packages repository from a web browser. But that would turn into a security matter and Javascript limitations (I would like to avoid to use/write of any flash/java applet).
Next milestone (after 5.5 XFCE, LXDE, E17, OpenVZ, ServerBase releases of course): a Web-based Sabayon releases (ISO images) generator. How about this?
Я английский плохо знаю, но мне показалось, что он хочет замутить свой аналог таких сервисов AppStore, Google Market, Ubuntu Software Center? Неужели Sabayon будет серьёзным конкурентом убунты, ведь у него из коробки есть проприетарные драйвера и несвободные кодеки?!