
[история успеха][gnome3][amd]Linux is an important Os for AMD




GNOME3 and AMD – in a nearby future…

A long time has gone since I posted the (in)famous bug regarding graphical corruption on GNOME3 seen only by ATI users who use the proprietary case. After long hours of frustration I’ve decided to jump into Intel chipsets which work very nicelly out of the box and leave ATI behind, but new developments suggest that ATI/AMD has fixed the bug and it’s under internal testing, so it seems that within one or two releases this bug will be fixed.

Here’s a small extract from a reply on the bug report made by Pierre Boudier on the (in)famous thread[1]:

“hi all,

I would like to clarify a little bit this discussion: - this bugzilla is not owned by AMD, and while we try to monitor it (along other sources), it is not possible for AMD to immediately detect and jump into reports - we actually noticed this when I wrote my first post (2011-08-10), and the fix was made internally on the 8/12 - the catalyst release cycle will branch our internal dev tree within 4 weeks, and will go into 4 weeks of QA before we make the driver public. - since engineering is not focused with release management, we usually can’t commit to exact release data since that sometimes change (sometimes fixes are introduced earlier, sometimes deferred) - finally, the crux of the issue here is that gnome developers should have actually contacted AMD about this issue before releasing something which only works on nvidia.

we do appreciate constructive feedback and are committed to fix issues; linux is an important Os for AMD.”

Interesting things:

* The bugzilla isn’t owned by AMD but it’s available through a link on AMD website and flagged as unofficial. * The finger pointing to GNOME Developers which should’ve contacted AMD (like Canonical did with Unity).

Well I hope this saga will end soon and that everyone can enjoy a pleasant GNOME3 experience in the future using their manufacturers proprietary driver.

Не использую GNOME3 и Catalyst. ЧЯДНТ?

daemonpnz ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Novell-ch

нужность 3 гнома сомнительна

Это аксиома,да. Радует другое.

le_legioner ★★
() автор топика

> Well I hope this saga will end soon and that everyone can enjoy a pleasant GNOME3 experience in the future using their manufacturers proprietary driver.


moot ★★★★

the crux of the issue here is that gnome developers should have actually contacted AMD about this issue before releasing something which only works on nvidia
У AMD есть же вполне официальный суппорт для разработчиков, но разработчики Gnome 3 им побрезговали. Вот и результат.

P.S. Справедливости ради следует отметить, что и разработчики KWin брезгуют, но хотя бы реализуют workaround'ы.

RussianNeuroMancer ★★★★★
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