Есть сайт ассемблера ASEM-51. В разделе «License» автор разместил такой текст
Never change the copyright statement! The ASEM-51 package must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form, including all program, data, source and documentation files. If you distribute ASEM-51 to friends, associates, ftp or web sites, CD-ROM publishers, or to computer bulletin board systems (BBS), be sure to distribute it entirely and unchanged! ASEM-51 must not be sold for profit! No charge or payment may be levied or accepted for it. Of course this only applies to the ASEM-51 package itself, and not to the distribution media (i.e. BBS, disk, network, CD-ROM). ASEM-51 may be distributed with other free or commercial products (i.e. software, books, evaluation boards), if it is no functional part of these products, and without extra cost. Do not distribute ASEM-51 together with protected software! All source files provided with the ASEM-51 package may be modified for personal use, but not redistributed. Changes that may be of general interest should be sent to the author. Exceptions are only possible with a written permission of the author!
Как считают местные аналитики, к какой лицензии ее можно приравнять? Линукс тут при том, что хочу собрать пакет с оным ассемблером, благо исходники доступны.
Всем спасибо.