
udev катится в СГ

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Эпичный срач на LKML, Торвальдс жырно негодует. Для Ъ, мнение патриарха обозначено в теме сообщения.

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Kay Sievers <> wrote:
> Nothing really «breaks», It's «slow» and it will surely be fixed when
> we know what's the right fix, which we haven't sorted out at this
> moment.

A thirty-second pause at bootup is easily long enough that some people might think the machine is hung.

I also call bullshit on your «it will surely be fixed when we know what's the right fix» excuses.

The fact is, you've spent the last several months blaming everybody but yourself, and actively told people to stop blaming you:

and have ignored patches that were sent to you:

despite having clearly seen the patch (you *replied* to it, for chissake, and I even told you in that same thread why that reply was wrong at the time).

> I also have no issues at all if the kernel does load the firmware from
> the filesystem on its own; it sounds like the simplest and most robust
> solution from a general look at the problem. It would also make the
> difference between in-kernel firmware and out-of-kernel firmware less
> visible, which sounds good.

So now, after you've dismissed the patch that did the equivalent fix in udev (Ming Lei's patch basically disabled your idiotic and wrong sequence number test for firmware loading), you say it's ok to bypass udev entirely, because that is «more robust».

Kay, you are so full of sh*t that it's not funny. You're refusing to acknowledge your bugs, you refuse to fix them even when a patch is sent to you, and then you make excuses for the fact that we have to work around *your* bugs, and say that we should have done so from the very beginning.

Yes, doing it in the kernel is «more robust». But don't play games, and stop the lying. It's more robust because we have maintainers that care, and because we know that regressions are not something we can play fast and loose with. If something breaks, and we don't know what the right fix for that breakage is, we *revert* the thing that broke.

So yes, we're clearly better off doing it in the kernel.

Not because firmware loading cannot be done in user space. But simply because udev maintenance since Greg gave it up has gone downhill.


Плевок в рожу Леннарта:

> I basically tried a few different approaches, including deferred probe(),
> as you suggested, and request_firmware_async(), as Kay suggested.

Stop this crazy. FIX UDEV ALREADY, DAMMIT.

Who maintains udev these days? Is it Lennart/Kai, as part of systemd?

Lennart/Kai, fix the udev regression already. Lennart was the one who brought up kernel ABI regressions at some conference, and if you now you have the *gall* to break udev in an incompatible manner that requires basically impossible kernel changes for the kernel to «fix» the udev interface, I don't know what to say.

«Two-faced lying weasel» would be the most polite thing I could say. But it almost certainly will involve a lot of cursing.

Жира много, наслаждайтесь, вот ветка целиком:


Классный срач! Вот это понравилось например:

We are now being told that, contrary to what was said when udev was migrated into the systemd tree, running udev without systemd is now deprecated and untested and might go away completely. How surprising, nobody ever predicted that when it migrated in, oh wait yes we did, and were assured that we were wrong, that standalone udev would always be supported for those of us who weren't using systemd.

Ответ на: комментарий от abacaba

К сожалению, это сказано неизвестным троллем, чье мнение не имеет никакого веса.

tailgunner ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от tailgunner

Интересно, как более правильно перевести «weasel» в данном контексте - «хорек» или «скунс»? %)

"...я даже не знаю, что сказать.

Проныра ты лживая, двуличная, вот самое мягкое, что я могу сказать, да и то без мата тут не выйдет ну никак."

shimon ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от vasily_pupkin

Ну дык! У ядерщиков тролли-то покачественнее.

Pavval ★★★★★
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