Собственно, товарищ со слэшдота в целом очень коротко и доступно описал одну возможную (которой я придерживаюсь) позицию:
- No DRM of any form is ever okay: I should be able to do anything with items I obtain, including sharing them with others;
- It's not right for content creators/originators/owners/licensors to expect to be able to protect their content; if their content needs protection, their business model is dying;
- All "information" and "ideas", which includes music, software, text, and other unique works, should be allowed to freely flow between people in an unlimited fashion without any encumbrances of ownership;
- DRM is fundamentally flawed and is only used as a tool of the rich and powerful to forcefeed commercial tripe to the masses;
- In the digital realm, ideas of "ownership" and "theft" are meaningless. The world has changed, and unlimited digital copies of all manner of content can be distributed nearly free and without any harm to or detraction from the original. Therefore, any old model based on physical manifestations (books, CDs, DVDs, etc.) is dead.
Просьба обратить особое внимание на п.2 и 5. Это ответ всем тем, кого беспокоит, что бедные авторы останутся без куска хлеба.