Как следует из описания, Excelsior JET - a Java Virtual Machine enhanced with Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation. The AOT compiler transforms your classes and jars into high-performance binary executables for Microsoft® Windows® and Linux on the Intel x86 platform. VM components responsible for Java memory management, threading, synchronization, security, etc., are placed into a dynamic library (.DLL/.so) which you redistribute along with the precompiled executables.
Among those runtime components is a JIT compiler that takes care of classes that could not be precompiled, thus enabling Excelsior JET to support the entire Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition v1.4.2 API, including dynamic class loading.
Поддержаны OS Windows и Linux. Бесплатно можно скачать Personal версию для личного пользования или Evaluation - для ознакомления.
Качаем, пробуем! Кто не знает, Excelsior - наша новосибирская фирма.
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