Сообщения Alexander_I


Протест против патентов на ПО в Евросоюзе: «Сайт MPlayer закрыт»

Группа Open Source

Сайт закрыт из-за множественого нарушения патентов.

This site has been shut down because of numerous patent violations in MPlayer. The other free software multimedia players are next.

The European commission has just passed its directive on software patents, violating democratic rules and procedures to the sole benefit of big non-European corporation and Ireland and to the detriment of small and medium sized businesses (which comprise 99% of the European software industry) and free software.

The European parliament will now be taking the last stand against software patents in a voting for which an absolute majority is needed. Such a majority is hard to come by in a parliament with a low attendance level.

Однако домашняя страница этого медиаплеера все еще доступна

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